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July 8, 2014

PASRR and the Minimum Data Set (MDS)

The July 2014 PASRR webinar "PASRR and the Minimum Data Set (MDS): A Closer Look at PASRR-Identified Nursing Home Residents in Your State" occurred on Tuesday, July 8, at 1 PM EST (10 AM PST).

The webinar was led by Ed Kako of the PASRR Technical Assistance Center.

You can download a PDF copy of the PowerPoint slides at the bottom of the page.

Synopsis of the Topic:

All residents of Medicaid- and Medicare-certified nursing homes are assessed with the Minimum Data Set (MDS), first shortly after admission and then periodically thereafter, including after a significant change in condition. Launched in late 2010, MDS 3.0 captures information about individuals who have been identified as having a PASRR-relevant disability. These questions allow us to ask a wide range of questions about the characteristics of these individuals, including age, functional status, and desire to return to the community (as captured by MDS Section Q). This presentation will provide a brief overview of MDS and demonstrate some of the state and national trends it can be used to identify. It will also introduce the "MDS Fact Sheet" -- a new kind of state-specific analysis that the PASRR Technical Assistance Center will distribute to states later in 2014.


Dr. Ed Kako is the Director of the PASRR Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) and has several years of experience providing technical assistance around PASRR policy.

Acknowledgment of Commercial Support

There was no commercial support received for this CME activity.

Objectives - After attending this program, participants should be able to:

• Discuss the history and purpose of Minimum Data Set (MDS)
• List the MDS questions related to PASRR
• Review several informative analyses of the MDS that can be performed using PASRR-related questions

Bibliographic Sources: Please see presentation slides

Copyright: All faculties in this activity have given their permission for publication.

© 2014 Mission Analytics Group, LLC

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