Specialized Services, which typically exceed the typical services provided by nursing facilities, address specific service needs related to a person’s mental illness and/or intellectual disability or related condition. The need for these services is individualized and identified in the Level II evaluation. The state is responsible for providing or arranging the necessary Specialized Services identified in this evaluation. This section contains resources on Specialized Services for state PASRR programs.
PTAC also hosts a bi-monthly Specialized Services Office Hours. Click here to learn more.
Good Practices for Adopting Waiver Services in the Nursing Facility Benefit: A Specialized Services State Plan Amendment
This webinar focused on how states can use a Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) to include Home and Community-Based Waiver Services (HCBS) in the nursing facility benefit to support individuals with PASRR conditions through specialized services.
November 20, 2020
PASRR: The Door to Mental Health Continuity of Care and Engagement in Care
This webinar will help attendees understand PASRR’s role in providing mental health care services and the role of participants’ engagement in their care. Attendees will learn about 1) the PASRR Technical Assistance Center’s prior work and materials regarding mental health issues, 2) the federal requirements, 3) PASRR’s role for individuals with mental health conditions, including the development of person-centered plans, 4) PASRR’s connection to current state initiatives, and 4) specialized services add-ons for mental health.
September 10, 2019
Specialized Services Lessons Learned
This webinar will initially highlight the important role of Specialized Services in the PASRR process, with references to Subpart B and C regulatory requirements for Long Term Care Facilities and PASRR, and review of related guidance in FAQs on the subject. The webinar will then shift to facilitated panel discussion with up to five states that are providing Specialized Services. The states will be selected from those who have actively participated in the Specialized Services Workgroup calls.
March 12, 2019
Is the state obligated to provide specialized services to private pay individuals?
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is clear at §483.102 that PASRR is required for all individuals who apply to or reside in a Medicaid-licensed nursing facility (NF), regardless of insurance type (Medicaid, Medicare, or private pay). Thus, private pay applicants who test positive at Level I could be found at Level II to need specialized services. By definition, however, all services supplied to individuals who have private insurance are not covered by the state. This includes specialized services, whatever those are determined to be.
March 8, 2018
What should States consider when including Specialized Services in State Plans?
In order to be eligible for federal financial participation (FFP), Specialized Services must be included in the State Plan. They are considered “specialized add-on services” that can be provided under the nursing facility benefit authorized the Section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act.
February 8, 2018
Leveraging Public Financing and Delivery System Changes to Fund Specialized Services
This webinar will discuss the number of ways to finance specialized services in nursing facilities. Access and quality of care is impacted by the ability to finance a resident’s service needs. This presentation will examine a variety of payment alternatives available to pay for services provided to individuals with ID/DD and mental illness while residents of nursing facilities; including Medicaid, Medicare, managed care and delivery system reform initiatives. An overview of the types of payment methods and examples will be provided.
December 12, 2017