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This section contains resources to help states improve the quality of services and their PASRR processes.


2019 PASRR National Report: Recent Findings from the Minimum Data Set and an Analysis of Quality Monitoring and Quality Improvement

May 12, 2020


This webinar will help attendees understand the motivation and methodology of the 2019 PASRR National Report as well as highlight key findings.

E-PASRR systems – Key considerations and resources for state to state consultation

February 25, 2020


A number of states with internal or vendor provided e-PASRR systems have agreed to be a resource for state to state consultation around their e-PASRR experience. A full listing of the states and a contact person may be found on the following e-PASRR Resource Guide.

Partnering for Quality of Care: State PASRR Authorities and Nursing Facilities

January 14, 2020


This webinar will help attendees understand how state Medicaid/Mental Health/Intellectual Disability PASRR Authorities and Nursing Facilities can effectively partner to advance quality of care for nursing facility residents with PASRR conditions.

Common Questions for PASRR Program Operations

August 13, 2019


This webinar will highlight the most common questions state authorities have raised when requesting technical assistance regarding PASRR program operations. The webinar will be based on the historical record of PTAC technical assistance in the past three years and will include a focus on (1) a wide range of questions related to all phases of the PASRR process, (2) the corresponding technical assistance guidance that is linked to federal regulations, (3) linkages to additional resource information specific to each common question.

Indiana PASRR Program Improvements - Part II

September 11, 2018


The September Indiana PTAC webinar is Part II of the broader state initiative to improve its PASRR process. A key feature of their improvement effort is the recognition that PASRR shares many goals associated with the No Wrong Door initiative in the state. The webinar will include discussion on how these two distinct initiatives share common values and goals. The webinar will help states understand the lessons Indiana learned in connecting the NWD and PASRR initiatives.

Indiana PASRR Program Improvements - Part I

August 14, 2018


This webinar highlights how the state of Indiana, with leadership from the Division of Aging (DA), has significantly transformed their PASRR system through a highly collaborative process. From 2014 through 2016, the DA worked with a range of stakeholders to build support for, and ownership of, the new PASRR system, including the state’s Area Agencies on Aging, nursing facilities, the Indiana Hospital Association, advocacy organizations, and other divisions within the Family and Social Services Administration. The stakeholders agreed their objective was “to provide a person-centered PASRR system that effectively and efficiently identifies the most appropriate services and settings.”

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