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The MDS is one of three components to the Resident Assessment Instrument, which all nursing facilities must use, and which helps nursing facility staff develop an individualized care plan based on the resident’s strengths and needs. This section contains MDS-related resources for state PASRR programs.


2018 National Report: Federal Reimbursement

The enclosed 2018 report (below) is the 7th State Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Policies and Procedures PTAC has produced. The report was prepared by the PASRR Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a partnership between IBM Watson Health and Mission Analytics Group, under contract to CMS. The results present a snapshot of PASRR programs as of September 2018, with a focus on state PASRR expenditures and on our analysis of PASRR program elements that might influence state expenditures.

November 28, 2018


MDS State Profiles

Findings of the 2014 and 2015 PTAC national reports point to issues in properly identifying individuals with PASRR conditions residing in nursing facilities. The webinar will describe the importance of using MDS data as a tool in investigating the reasons behind this issue and defining the MDS State Profiles distributed to states in late April 2018. The speakers will discuss the various hypotheses associated with the findings of the MDS data and share practical applications for using the MDS State Profiles in states. The webinar will also highlight the ways in which PTAC can support states’ drill-down of the data and strategies for making PASRR program changes to improve the MDS results.

May 8, 2018


What are the key differences between PASRR and the Minimum Data Set (MDS)?

While MDS captures information about a person (medical, functional, cognitive, and social) at a moment in time, it does not evaluate individuals for the presence of disabilities defined for the purposes of PASRR.

March 2, 2018


Findings from the 2017 PASRR National Report

This webinar will highlight key findings from the 2017 National Report. The results present a snapshot of PASRR programs as of September 2017, with focus on our analysis of MDS data, and on our analysis of data that states collect for quality monitoring and quality improvement (QM/QI).

February 13, 2018


If the answer to Minimum Data Set 3.0 Question A1500 is “yes”, and the individual has undergone a significant change in condition, should the nursing facility always contact the State Mental Health Authority or State Intellectual Disability Authority?

Yes, the CMS Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) User’s Manual requires the NF to provide notification to the State-designated mental health (MH) or intellectual disability (ID) authority promptly when a resident with mental illness or intellectual disability experiences a significant change in mental or physical status. Referral to the MH/ID authority should be made as soon as the criteria indicative of a significant change are evident. For more information, see FAQ “What is considered a significant change in condition?”

January 26, 2018


2017 National Report: Quality Measures and MDS

The enclosed 2017 report (below) updates the 2016 Review of State Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Policies and Procedures. The report was prepared by the PASRR Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), under contract to CMS. The results present a snapshot of PASRR programs as of September 2017, with focus on our analysis of MDS data, and on our analysis of data that states collect for quality monitoring and quality improvement (QM/QI).

January 11, 2018


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