Federal regulations give states the authority to claim Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for administrative activities associated with the PASRR program included in their State Plan. Eligible (PASRR) activities conducted by the state may be claimed at 75%.
What are the components of a Cost Allocation Plan (CAP)?
June 2, 2018
A Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) is a narrative description of the procedures that a state will use in identifying, measuring, and allocating costs that it incurs in supporting programs it administers or supervises. In the case of PASRR, the State Medicaid Agency (SMA) is responsible for developing a CAP as part of the requirements for claiming the enhanced 75% match for PASRR-related activities. These requirements are outlined in further detail in § 45 CFR 95 Subpart E. Additional guidance may be given by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Regional Office or contact the PASRR Technical Assistance Center.
What PASRR-related activities can states claim at the enhanced 75% match?
January 27, 2018
According to §1903(a)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR 433.15(b)(9), activities that can be clearly tied to the administration of PASRR, and in accordance with an approved cost allocation plan, may be claimed at the enhanced 75% match.
How do states claim 75% Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for PASRR activities?
January 27, 2018
Federal regulations give states the authority to claim FFP for administrative activates associated with the PASRR program included in their State Plan at Part §433.15(a)(9) of the CFR. Eligible (PASRR) activities conducted by the State may be claimed at 75%.
What Must States do to Claim the Enhanced 75% Match Rate?
September 1, 2017
"States may claim the enhanced 75% match rate for PASRR-related activities by completing the Form CMS-64. Specifically, a state should use line 10 to claim its “Preadmission Screenings Costs,” i.e. PASRR activities that happen before admission into a nursing facility. A state should use Line 11 for “Resident Review Activities Costs,” i.e. resident evaluations triggered by a significant change in condition that affects an individual's disability-specific needs.