Jul 25, 2017
ICD-9 to ICD-10 Conversion and PASRR
Since the ICD-10-CM coding went into effect on October 1, 2015, some State PASRR programs have reported an increase in PASRR volume,...
Jul 25, 2017
What is the role of the Mental Health Authority in the dementia exclusion for mental illness?
The dementia exclusion for mental illness allows for the Level II evaluator to stop the evaluation if they determine that the diagnosis...
Oct 26, 2015
Washington State Plan Amendment (SPA) Adding DD Services to Specialized Services
This is a copy of the Washington State Plan Amendment (SPA) that added developmental disability (DD) services to the set of...
Jan 21, 2015
Director's Corner: Why HIPAA Is NOT A Barrier to Getting PASRR Done
When individuals apply for admission to a nursing home and are screened by PASRR, they cross a boundary of sorts from one kind of...
Jun 10, 2014
Can hospitals perform Level II evaluations?
Yes, hospitals can perform Level II evaluations -- provided they have the qualified staff. In order to complete these evaluations,...