Mar 19, 2020
Can PASRR requirements be waived during an emergency?
PASRR requirements cannot be waived or suspended in an emergency unless the state receives authority to do so under an 1135 waiver. Under...
Jan 9, 2019
Out-of-State PASRR Arrangements: Questions & Answers
If you would like to download this resource, a PDF attachment of this brief is located at the bottom of the page. Adults or children who...
Jun 30, 2018
Why does the PTAC site make reference to "mental retardation”?
The PASRR Final Rule (57 FR 56450) was published in 1992, at which time the term "mental retardation" was still widely used. In the time...
Apr 9, 2018
Does PASRR apply to hospice?
"The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at §483.130(d) provides examples of categories for which the State mental health or intellectual...
Apr 9, 2018
Does PASRR apply to swing beds?
A swing bed is a bed that changes (or "swings") between providing hospital services and providing Medicare or Medicaid nursing facility...