Jun 1, 2018
What are the components of a Cost Allocation Plan (CAP)?
A Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) is a narrative description of the procedures that a state will use in identifying, measuring, and allocating...
Jan 27, 2018
How do states claim 75% Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for PASRR activities?
Federal regulations give states the authority to claim FFP for administrative activates associated with the PASRR program included in...
Jan 27, 2018
What PASRR-related activities can states claim at the enhanced 75% match?
According to §1903(a)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR 433.15(b)(9), activities that can be clearly tied to the administration...
Jan 26, 2018
What PASRR-related activities cannot be claimed at the enhanced 75% match?
To understand what PASRR activities cannot be claimed at the 75% Federal Financial Participation (FFP) match, one must first be clear on...
Aug 31, 2017
What Must States do to Claim the Enhanced 75% Match Rate?
"States may claim the enhanced 75% match rate for PASRR-related activities by completing the Form CMS-64. Specifically, a state should...